The Eye of the Storm

Some days I walk on water, as if the world is my oyster, and all things are possible.  Other days, the weight of the water pulls me in, and I struggle to keep up with the current.  So it is, being human.  Remember Alexander and the terrible horrible no good very bad day?  Some days are like that.  We all struggle to keep it together, right?  The same is true for young children.  As adults, we have learned how to cope, how to problem solve, and how to brave the storm.  Our little ones are still learning when they are tired, hungry, or sick.  Their little legs might weaken when faced with a rising wave of emotion or daunting task.  How we respond to children in the eye of the storm can absolutely influence their ability to self-regulate.  Are we calm and confident?  Do we validate their feelings, giving them the language to understand and manage their emotions?  Do we ask them just the right question to help them solve their own problem?  Sometimes.  Other times we might be pressed for time, and we just can't understand how a wardrobe malfunction could possibly be such a big deal; or remember what it feels like when someone tells you they don't want to be your friend.  Sometimes.  Sometimes all we need is a little understanding, and a new way of thinking.  I know I could use a calm, confident teacher watching over me, understanding my every move, asking me just the right question at just the right time, helping me maneuver through critical junctures where I might otherwise feel overwhelmed: helping me through the eye of the storm. 
